ACL Rolling Review (ARR) is a centralized reviewing service targeting top-tier conferences under the Association for Computational Linguistics.

  • Built atop the OpenReview platform, ARR implements the initial stages of conference reviewing in 2 month cycles, culminating in the release to authors of reviews and a metareview.
  • Authors may submit a revision to a subsequent ARR cycle and request the same or new reviewers.
  • Reviews are decoupled from acceptance decisions: as long as a paper has reviews and has not yet been accepted by a venue, the authors can choose among participating venues, whose program committees will consider the already-reviewed papers for acceptance.

For further information about submitting, see the page for Authors.

ARR began with a 2020 proposal. As of mid-2023, it has evolved with experience and feedback from the community. In 2024, the ACL, EACL, NAACL, and EMNLP main conferences will use ARR as the sole submission system. Other venues may adopt ARR as well. The ARR team continues to welcome input on the design of the review process.

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Modified Timeline December

For the December cycle, ARR will have a slightly modified timeline. Reviews will be released on January 28th given that reviewing started a bit later due to the end of the semester, the overlapping heavy load from November and the holidays. We also wanted to give a bit more time to AEs to be mindful of weekend days.

  • December 15th: Submission deadline
  • December 16th-24th: Reviewer/AE assignment
  • December 24th-28th: SAC/AE paper check and reassignment
  • December 29th-January 18th: Reviewing
  • January 19th-27th: Meta-reviews and reviewer chasing
  • January 28th: Review and meta-review release
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We have received several questions about resubmitting to ARR. We have now modified the call for papers to address these questions, which have to do with adding/removing authors, providing responses to reviewers, and requesting new reviewers.

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There is no need to withdraw any papers from ARR after reviewing is complete (in fact if you do withdraw your paper from an ARR cycle, we won’t be able to transfer that paper + reviews to any venue you “commit” to). Once you have your reviews, your paper is considered to no longer be under review to ARR.

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Modified Timeline January

As in November, ARR will have a slightly modified timeline in January (ntoe that all deadlines are 11:59pm AOE):

  • January 15th: Submission deadline
  • January 16th-24th: Reviewer/AE assignment
  • January 24th-27th: SAC/AE paper check and reassignment
  • January 28th-February 15th: Reviewing
  • February 16th-26th: Meta-reviews and reviewer chasing
  • February 27th: Review release
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Modified Timeline November

For November, working with the ACL 2022 senior area chairs and program chairs, we will have a slightly modified ARR timeline.

  • Nov 19-22 - SACs check AE assignments
  • Nov 25 - finalized AE assignments
  • November 27 - AEs notified of assignments
  • Nov 27-29 - desk rejects and manual check of reviewer assignment by AEs
  • Nov 29 - Reviewers notified of assignments
  • Nov 29 - Dec 27: reviewing
  • Dec 28-29 - AEs find emergency reviewers and lead discussions
  • Dec 28-31 - Emergency reviewing
  • Dec 28-Jan 7 - AEs prepare meta reviews
  • Jan 10, 2022 - ARR reviews for a Nov 15 submission sent to the authors
  • Jan 15, 2022 - ACL 2022 commitment deadline
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