The use of an ARR-only submission process has been agreed by Program Chairs (PCs), and General Chairs of the upcoming conferences in 2024 (EACL, NAACL and ACL, referred to in this document as *CL conferences), with feedback from the ACL Rolling Review (ARR) Initiative, the ARR board, and the ACL Exec. There will be no direct submission option. This decision was announced during the ACL 2023 business meeting.
The purpose of this communication is to update those that were not present, and to provide more details about the coordinated plan.
In this document, submission deadline refers to the paper submission to the ARR reviewing portal in Open Review. Commitment deadline refers to the deadline for authors to submit their fully ARR-reviewed submission to the conference portal for consideration at that conference. Decisions available refer to the deadline by which conference PCs will send notifications to paper authors.