Submission Site
April 12, 2021
ACL Rolling Review is now accepting submissions! Please go to the Authors page to preview the fields in the submission form and find the link to the submission site.
A peer review platform for the Association for Computational Linguistics
ACL Rolling Review (ARR) is a centralized reviewing service targeting top-tier conferences under the Association for Computational Linguistics.
For further information about submitting, see the page for Authors.
ARR began with a 2020 proposal. As of mid-2023, it has evolved with experience and feedback from the community. In 2024, the ACL, EACL, NAACL, and EMNLP main conferences all used ARR as the sole submission system. The upcoming participating venues are listed at dates and venues. The ARR team continues to welcome input on the design of the review process. See also the ARR changelog and future plans.
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
April 12, 2021
ACL Rolling Review is now accepting submissions! Please go to the Authors page to preview the fields in the submission form and find the link to the submission site.
April 7, 2021
We invite you to express interest in becoming a reviewer or action editor for ACL Rolling Review via our reviewer interest survey.
April 5, 2021
The ACL Rolling Review call for papers is up. The first submission deadline will be 15 May 2021, which is also the last submission deadline to be considered for the EMNLP 2021 main conference.
March 18, 2021
ACL Rolling Review is here! We’ll be running a first trial with EMNLP 2021 (thank you very very much to the organizers!).